from PIL import Image flagPath = "based_on_fruit_flag.png" flag = colors = { (255, 127, 39, 255): 0, # carrot (34, 177, 76, 255): 1, # lime (163, 73, 164, 255): 2, # eggplant (237, 28, 36, 255): 3, # apple (255, 201, 14, 255): 4, # banana (63, 72, 204, 255): 5 # blueberry } ## Depending on how you isolate the flag, you may have to use RGBA vs RGB # colors = { # (255, 127, 39): 0, # (34, 177, 76): 1, # (163, 73, 164): 2, # (237, 28, 36): 3, # (255, 201, 14): 4, # (63, 72, 204): 5 # } out = [] for x in range(flag.width): for y in range(flag.height): if flag.getpixel((x, y)) in colors: out.append(colors[flag.getpixel((x, y))]) longstr = "".join(map(str,out)) splitstr = [longstr[i:i+3] for i in range(0, len(longstr), 3)] sol = [chr(int(x, 6)) for x in splitstr] print("".join(sol))